Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back to School Time

This year inspired by old time vintage teaching.
Learning through Exploration

Next week , I'll be headed back to school.It will be a week of filled meetings, trainings, and getting ready for the up and coming new school year.

The Five Things I love about teaching-
1. Every year I learn about a zillion new things along with the children. I learn from my mistakes and reflect on how to make the next year better and brighter.

2. Watching a child grow before your eyes both intellectually, physcially, and emotionally.

3. Trying new things.

4. The adventure of it all.

5. The kids of course

I hope to post an OOTD ( outfit of the day). Thats if I can find a photographer.

Bye for now-erin

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh Man- sorry

I have no excuse on why I haven't blogged. I have the time, and energy but just get consumed with other things that doesn't involve the computer. I've been thrifting on limited funds, and intend to post about 5o or so items on etsy, when I get up the guts to spend a few hours on the computer uploading the photos. 

I did go to the beach and here's the picture- it was fun, I love looking for shells and making sand castles the best, you wouldn't be able to tell with the look on my face-

Friday, July 1, 2011

making bread- the old fashion way

Yesterday- after posting about my summer time blues I decided to make old fashion bread. Since I have time on my hands I could do it. Making bread the old fashion way means waiting 45 minutes kneading, waiting 45 minutes kneading, waiting 45 minutes kneading. It seems like a lot of work, however the pay off is the most yummy bread in the world. Even though I goofed the recipe, it came out awesome. Now here's a little secret about me..................I am the worlds MESSEST cook- the kitchen looked like a disaster but who cares, I certainly don't ( ha ha)  oh= I also watched a few DIY vid's on t shirt cutting and decided to try it. It was wonderful

Heres a pic of the bread loaves- to me it looks like lungs or something- love it

Homemade Bread looks like lungs or boobs , you decide

DIY t shirt cutting project