Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Thrift store junkie

Signs your a thrift store junkie...............................................................................

1. Going to your favorite store is a routine, and weekly event.

2. Your closet is FULL of vintage pieces-yet you lack the guts to wear them

3. You can wear an entire OUTFIT with thrifted stuff- minus undies, bra, and socks.

4. When you happen to be at the mall, a little voice inside your head says...don't pay for that you can find it at the thrift store for a dollar.

5. You completely lose TIME inside the store, an hour feels like 10 minutes.

Well as you can see, I am a self confessed thrift store junkie.  Always shopping with good intentions.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

In The Swing of Things

Hello... Is there anybody in there? Just nod if you can hear me---- coming soon, boot collection, polka dot collection, and vintage dresses. stay tuned, or don't

Thursday, August 25, 2011

So much for blogging....

Life is crazy
Working, Dancing, Loving, Playing
Dirt poor, yet happy
Looking at Blue California Skys
Sunny and Hot Summer Days
Stars in the heavens cool summer breeze
 To tommorrow

Sunday, July 31, 2011

Back to School Time

This year inspired by old time vintage teaching.
Learning through Exploration

Next week , I'll be headed back to school.It will be a week of filled meetings, trainings, and getting ready for the up and coming new school year.

The Five Things I love about teaching-
1. Every year I learn about a zillion new things along with the children. I learn from my mistakes and reflect on how to make the next year better and brighter.

2. Watching a child grow before your eyes both intellectually, physcially, and emotionally.

3. Trying new things.

4. The adventure of it all.

5. The kids of course

I hope to post an OOTD ( outfit of the day). Thats if I can find a photographer.

Bye for now-erin

Monday, July 11, 2011

Oh Man- sorry

I have no excuse on why I haven't blogged. I have the time, and energy but just get consumed with other things that doesn't involve the computer. I've been thrifting on limited funds, and intend to post about 5o or so items on etsy, when I get up the guts to spend a few hours on the computer uploading the photos. 

I did go to the beach and here's the picture- it was fun, I love looking for shells and making sand castles the best, you wouldn't be able to tell with the look on my face-

Friday, July 1, 2011

making bread- the old fashion way

Yesterday- after posting about my summer time blues I decided to make old fashion bread. Since I have time on my hands I could do it. Making bread the old fashion way means waiting 45 minutes kneading, waiting 45 minutes kneading, waiting 45 minutes kneading. It seems like a lot of work, however the pay off is the most yummy bread in the world. Even though I goofed the recipe, it came out awesome. Now here's a little secret about me..................I am the worlds MESSEST cook- the kitchen looked like a disaster but who cares, I certainly don't ( ha ha)  oh= I also watched a few DIY vid's on t shirt cutting and decided to try it. It was wonderful

Heres a pic of the bread loaves- to me it looks like lungs or something- love it

Homemade Bread looks like lungs or boobs , you decide

DIY t shirt cutting project

Thursday, June 30, 2011


me, the dork posing for my etsy store I hate it!!!

leather purse with beaded detail

Sorry about the long stretch without a post. I have come down with a serious case of the summertime blues. I think it might of started coming on when my bank account was empty, the idea of going back to work is creeping up, and I'm just plain bored.   To counter the summer boredom feeling , I am volunteering twice a week, teaching art and tutoring reading. I walk my dogs everyday, maybe twice. I've been attending ZUMBA every night. That is getting old too.  Taking pictures to eventually post my vintage crap on etsy. But I'm not really happy with the photos of the items, the camera doesn't give the items justice. Oh well.   

my teenager swimming at the neighbors pool

Now a brighter note about summer and life-
My son is attending summer school so he's busy, I like that.
My house is clean, a upside to the boredom. Me and my pups get lots of exercise. I will soon have room in my thrifted closet if I sell stuff on etsy. I've painted my nails a bunch of times. The garden is growing, and we will soon have lots of fresh organic veggies. I can spend time with my grumpy old man. And the birds have been singing really pretty songs outside my window. Last but not least, I made a funny video I may post.

a clean kitchen, this is rare and only documented once in a while

Silk worm update- a few have died, because they couldn't make a cocoon fast enough, I think they may have been over crowded, so I moved some. I hope it works.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

Vintage ART decor

Colorful still life in the hallway

Pansy painting

 Here is a little glimpse of a few of the vintage paintings around my home. I enjoy them I hope you will too!
paint by numbers butterflies

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

test for pics

Silk worms, mankinds dark and dirty secret

Hi- This post is going to be about SILK and silkworms. I am currently raising silkworms to have in my classroom next year. Over the last month I've learned a lot about these little creatures, and about silk in general.

1. Silkworms have been adapted and changed over the thousands of years, so they cannot live outside captivity. They will die.

2. To make silk, they kill the pupua before the complete metamorphosis by puting the cocoon in boiling water.

3. It takes a silkworm 3-4 days to make a silk cocoon, and it is a continuous silk thread about a mile long.

4.The silk is their saliva that hardens when exposed to air.

5. silk worms cannot fly, they only live for about 4 days, reproduce then die. The cycle begins again.

Here is my thoughts about silk, and the process. How depressing that Humans have altered a wonderful creature, for profit and fabric. At first I was like:  " NO WAY i'm NEVER going to wear silk AGAIN" then my mom said " Wait if you don't wear silk, then what will happen to them, they will vanish" This sounds like a ( catch twenty-two, a rock in a hard place, a dilemma) What to do. I will teach about silk worms next year. I remember, learning about silk worms in 3rd grade but I don't remember my teacher telling us about mankind's dirty little secret. I think I will tell the whole story about silk, the worms, and the intervention of humans. I believe an 8 year old should know the vast capablities WE have to change animals and our environment.    TOODLES erin

Monday, June 20, 2011


Monday here, sunny and bright. I 'm going to do whatever I want..........Yeah I love summer.

love erin

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wishing a wish for all the Fathers in the world


A man who has worked hard all his life-
Gardener, Reader, Woodworker, Lover,
Always comes to my rescue
A man with a big heart, and great advice
he's tough, patience, and smart
a daddy who used to swing me high in the air, play piano on his teeth to 50's songs
go hobo-ing around the neighbor hood

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Treasure hunting

  Hello- It's early Saturday morning and I'm about to embark on a treasure hunt. The destination is a mystery rummage sale that my husband saw in the pennysaver, which I can't find. So I  am going to pick up a new pennysaver and attempt to find it. There is not very much money in my pocket, but thats never stopped me before. Yesterday, my mom asked me to go with her to Glendale and in return should would give me some money for the thrift store on the way home. check out the treasures I bought......

1. Super cute VINTAGE brogues, from New Zealand 95cents
2. A Steampunkish jacket, with a fancy button-4 bucks
3. Cute pinky/peach blouse new with tags on it- 2 bucks

Thursday, June 16, 2011

DEAD WOOD BLOUSE ??????????????

IT WILL BE ON etsy soon.....
notice the lace on the sleeves, and high neck line

Fashion forecast- Benny and Joon

After watching grav3yardgirls channel on youtube and her super cute Johnny Depp inspired outfit of the day- I commented that I too, have a Johnny Depp inspired outfit from the flick Benny and Joon. So she requested that I post the look- so here it is, sorry about the weather it's a June Gloom day in SoCAL.

Green hat - thrifted$3.00
White long sleeve button down- ideology ( ancient)
Polka dot navy tie- the 99cents store
Grey and Black tweed style vest- thrifted Good Will ( $3.95)
Black Satin pants- thrifted brand ( one clothing) 99 cents

So there you have it- a girlie inpspired outfit Johnny Depp Style

ALSO working on a DIY project I will post later on today- erin

Wednesday, June 15, 2011


Yesterday- the sun was out
The sky was blue
I was bored with nothin to do
so I decided to walk to---
The mysterious and creepy antique store
and go inside
Not as scary as i thought it would be
here are some of the old dusty treasures that I found
                                                   Totally wrecked                   old type writer
                                            Weird old baby doll laying in a pile of dust
                                       Funky wood burning stove- if I had money I would buy

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ok- let's try it again

Yesterday- was my husband's birthday so I decided to dress up. Although we didn't go anywhere the entire day. Our $ sitiuation is in a serious state- I like to call it living on Broke Street. It seems like we are always on that street, never really moving up to lets say- Park Place.  This makes staying home during the summer, kinda boring. I want to go places, and do things and you really can't unless you have a few bucks in your pocket. Just for gas money at least.  Enough about moolaa

 This dress is really comfortable plus cute on. I bought it for $2 dollars from a church rummage sale-
 The hat is from the thrift store, and the flip flops are from a company my husband use to work for.

Last night just before bed I wrote a to do list, something I often write yet never accomplish. We'll see if I get it done or not.  I also want to work on this baby blog I started by posting links to other  blogs, attemping to get a few people to read it other than my husband and best friend.  The sun is out early so I 'm heading to the garden.......bye

Monday, June 13, 2011

okay- second the best! Still learning.........

Alright- round two with the blog universe.  well I found out that it's much easier to READ blogs then to create one. Like anything in life you see people doing what you think might be easy and when you try it you find out it's harder than it looks. 

A little bit about me...........
1. I'm the type of person who dives in head first , and I may not look to see what I'm gettin into.
2.  I start things and don't finish them, maybe because of my first little fact about myself. If I did the research I may not decide to start some crazy project or something.    
3. I'm an animal lover- I have two dogs, one cat, one lizard, two huge goldfish, and a tub full of silkworms.
4. I have a teenage son- heading to highschool yikes.
5. I am married to a musican, and love music, I own a massive album collection that grows along with my tastes.
6. I teach 3rd grade
7. Been thrifting since elementary school- I wanted to live like Little House on the Praire - I wanted to be Laura   aka Half Pint
8. I Love to garden, when I bought this house the yard was ugly, and so I planted a pumpkin patch all kinds of pumpkins. My yard ended up green, and I met all the neighbors who wanted to chat about pumpkins,
9. I love Super Natural Thriller movies- scary stuff and the X-files

                                 Bee hive - at the bottom of a tree downtown Pomona CA- Art walk

                                             My dog Ginger below- My dog Knight above

                                           Quick pic- having fun with my hubby
                                             My man- JGRiZZ lookin at Bob Marley LP's

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Trying something new?

Okay- this is my first offical post on my first offical blog. After reading many blogs over the past year, I decided to take the plunge and start my own. I really enjoy reading them, and now I will see how I much I will enjoy writing one. Now I don't have a fancy camera or a fancy computer or anything like that.  But I decided " what the heck! why not"
 So here is a shout out to blogs I enjoy reading and inspired me to create my own-   

 note: this is just a few of the wonderful blogs out there in the computer universe                         

  Delightfully Tacky ( she's funny, honest, and always posts cute outfits)
  Calivintage ( Very vintage, great posts, wonderful fashion, and lots of links to explore)
  Strawberry Koi Vintage ( I love of the photography and outfit posts)
  Bleubird Vintage ( she's a beautiful mama of 3 , wonderful style, also funny and entertaining)
  adored austin ( great fashion posts)
  Kendi everyday ( the mastermind of 30/30 and I love looking at her  outfit posts)
  A Beautiful mess ( awesome vintage and new dresses, and a very creative blog)

- like I said there are many more blogs that I read or flip through-