Monday, June 13, 2011

okay- second the best! Still learning.........

Alright- round two with the blog universe.  well I found out that it's much easier to READ blogs then to create one. Like anything in life you see people doing what you think might be easy and when you try it you find out it's harder than it looks. 

A little bit about me...........
1. I'm the type of person who dives in head first , and I may not look to see what I'm gettin into.
2.  I start things and don't finish them, maybe because of my first little fact about myself. If I did the research I may not decide to start some crazy project or something.    
3. I'm an animal lover- I have two dogs, one cat, one lizard, two huge goldfish, and a tub full of silkworms.
4. I have a teenage son- heading to highschool yikes.
5. I am married to a musican, and love music, I own a massive album collection that grows along with my tastes.
6. I teach 3rd grade
7. Been thrifting since elementary school- I wanted to live like Little House on the Praire - I wanted to be Laura   aka Half Pint
8. I Love to garden, when I bought this house the yard was ugly, and so I planted a pumpkin patch all kinds of pumpkins. My yard ended up green, and I met all the neighbors who wanted to chat about pumpkins,
9. I love Super Natural Thriller movies- scary stuff and the X-files

                                 Bee hive - at the bottom of a tree downtown Pomona CA- Art walk

                                             My dog Ginger below- My dog Knight above

                                           Quick pic- having fun with my hubby
                                             My man- JGRiZZ lookin at Bob Marley LP's

10. I love the outdoors- hiking and looking at nature in all its beauty.

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