Thursday, June 30, 2011


me, the dork posing for my etsy store I hate it!!!

leather purse with beaded detail

Sorry about the long stretch without a post. I have come down with a serious case of the summertime blues. I think it might of started coming on when my bank account was empty, the idea of going back to work is creeping up, and I'm just plain bored.   To counter the summer boredom feeling , I am volunteering twice a week, teaching art and tutoring reading. I walk my dogs everyday, maybe twice. I've been attending ZUMBA every night. That is getting old too.  Taking pictures to eventually post my vintage crap on etsy. But I'm not really happy with the photos of the items, the camera doesn't give the items justice. Oh well.   

my teenager swimming at the neighbors pool

Now a brighter note about summer and life-
My son is attending summer school so he's busy, I like that.
My house is clean, a upside to the boredom. Me and my pups get lots of exercise. I will soon have room in my thrifted closet if I sell stuff on etsy. I've painted my nails a bunch of times. The garden is growing, and we will soon have lots of fresh organic veggies. I can spend time with my grumpy old man. And the birds have been singing really pretty songs outside my window. Last but not least, I made a funny video I may post.

a clean kitchen, this is rare and only documented once in a while

Silk worm update- a few have died, because they couldn't make a cocoon fast enough, I think they may have been over crowded, so I moved some. I hope it works.

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